For Christmas this year, I did some painting and decoupaging. I had a small oak table and chairs that my children used when they were little. My husband sanded all the paint off of it down to the natural oak. I then did a light wash on the table with white acrylic paint. I used a damp rag to dip into the gallon of paint then rubbed it onto the table. I used the same technique to paint the chairs, however, I mixed red with the white for a nice pink. The grain of the wood shows through the light washes of paint. When the table was dry, I painted pink stripes on the apron of the table and a square design and flower on the table top. My husband then sprayed a light coat of acrylic clear coat on it. It made a very nice gift.
My grandson of the same family, is six years old. He recently inherited his father's childhood, bedroom furniture which is painted black. I found a small bookshelf at a garage sale for $2 and bought it. My husband and I painted it black with the same paint as the bedroom furniture. Then I used Modge Podge to decoupage some Star Wars characters onto the sides of the bookshelf. He loved it. :)
I enjoy creating things for my family that have a more lasting value than just purchasing them pre-made.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Blue Desk
Although I don't post very often, I really am busy doing projects. Many times they are for other family or friends. Here is a recent project that I completed for my daughter-in-law. I had given her an old, antique desk several years ago and we decided to paint it. I used blue, latex paint that we had painted one of her accent walls with. I brushed it on and then wiped it off, using it like a stain. I think it looks beautiful. :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Lately, I have been feeling rather convicted about all of the crafts and craft supplies that I have accumulated over the years. They sit and sit, and nothing happens with them. I go thrift shopping and add to my pile. Well, this has got to stop! I have decided to go through my 'stuff' and make a list of what creations are there for the making. I thought of trying, like many others, to make one creation a day. However, being gone frequently on the weekends, I have decided it might be wiser to attempt just four creations a week. My intention is to use up the supplies that I have before buying any more!
My son just recently bought a home and I gave him the furniture that was his when he was a boy. The problem that created was that I no longer had any furniture in my studio. Everything was in boxes that used to be in chests and dressers. No desk to use either. So, I hit the garage sales with my husband, and we found two large, matching desks for $5 each. They are more like work desks, they have no drawers. We also found a white hutch which sits perfectly on top of one of the desks in the corner of the room. My husband added a shelf to it below the doors. We found a rolling cart at a thrift store that he built three shelves in for me. I then found boxes that fit each shelf and covered them with fabric. Now I have drawers again. My supplies are all cleaned up and put in their proper places. I am ready to begin my challenge. Stay tuned for what I hope will be frequent updates!
My son just recently bought a home and I gave him the furniture that was his when he was a boy. The problem that created was that I no longer had any furniture in my studio. Everything was in boxes that used to be in chests and dressers. No desk to use either. So, I hit the garage sales with my husband, and we found two large, matching desks for $5 each. They are more like work desks, they have no drawers. We also found a white hutch which sits perfectly on top of one of the desks in the corner of the room. My husband added a shelf to it below the doors. We found a rolling cart at a thrift store that he built three shelves in for me. I then found boxes that fit each shelf and covered them with fabric. Now I have drawers again. My supplies are all cleaned up and put in their proper places. I am ready to begin my challenge. Stay tuned for what I hope will be frequent updates!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Crafting for Christmas

Christmas. Today, I made a few gifts for one of my granddaughters. She is young and is learning to sew. I had some old sewing supplies lying around and decided to spruce up a few of them for her.

I picked three wallpapers that looked nice together. I cut them to fit over the items neatly. I covered each piece of paper with packing tape while it was still flat. Then I formed them around the items and taped them again. I cut designs and initials as well.

The pinking sheers were my mother's, so they will be a great keepsake for her as she grows up. The small thimble was mine as a child.

It was a fun craft and hopefully, she will enjoy these for years to come.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Missing Spencer
Spencer has been gone for six months now. Our yard has become over-run with lizards, large, fat lizards. I don't mind lizards, but he kept them in check. This means the mice are probably growing in population as well and that brings critters I don't like. Snakes. My neighbor's dog was bitten by a rattlesnake last weekend. Just sayin', I think we need another cat! BUT, then there's the issue of critters that love cats, for dinner that is. What to do, what to do...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Loving It
Still washing my hair with baking soda and loving it. I found a container at the thrift store with a screw on lid. My husband drilled holes in the lid for me. I use it for applying the baking soda more evenly to my hair. Before, I was using a plastic water bottle, but the water came out too fast. Now, it pours on at just the right rate. I open the lid and add about a cup of water then replace the lid and swirl it around to mix in some of the baking soda. Then apply it directly to my wet hair in the shower. It works wonderfully. When the baking soda gets low in the bottle, I refill it to about 2/3 full. You need to leave space at the top for the water to mix and stir-up some of the soda. You can experiment and see what works best for you.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Feels like Spring
I was sitting outside the other day and enjoying the lovely weather. The birds were singing, bees buzzing, planes streaking across the sky, and I could hear hammering in the distance. Warm sun was shining and a cool breeze was blowing. It doesn't get any better than that for me. Sitting outside, letting my mind wander is so enjoyable.
While I was enjoying myself, I heard a loud buzz and looked around expecting to see a large horse fly. Instead, I saw a hummingbird flitting around the blossoms on my nectarine tree. They're back!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Less Static
I have to update you on my no-shampoo experiment. My daughter-in-law just had a new baby and I went down to stay with the other children while this baby was born. I forgot to take some baking soda with me to use on my hair. Not wanting to go out to the kitchen and rummage around looking for some, I just used the shampoo already in the guest shower. I hadn't used shampoo on my hair for two weeks. The first thing that I noticed was that my hair was full of tangles when I combed it after washing. Baking soda wash leaves your hair soft and tangle free. Secondly, after drying my hair with the blow dryer, my hair was full of static! Yes, I live in a dry climate and we have static here, but I didn't realize how much less static my hair had while washing with baking soda until I washed it again with shampoo! The difference was quite noticeable. I have been converted. I do not plan to use shampoo on my hair again, unless circumstances force me to. I urge you to give it a try for a week.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Second No Shampoo
I should have taken a picture yesterday to show how my hair looked the day after no-shampooing. I wash my hair every other day regularly and I don't intend to alter that even using baking soda. That's what this experiment is all about. It seemed a little flat yesterday, as was expected. Here is a picture of how it looked after washing this morning. Today, I chose not to curl it. I feels very soft and silky.
Did I ever mention that I cut my own hair? But, that's for another day of blogging. :)
Did I ever mention that I cut my own hair? But, that's for another day of blogging. :)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
To Shampoo or Not to Shampoo
Good day to you!
I have read and heard about people that choose not to use shampoo on their hair. My neighbor and friend tried it recently and gave her good report to me while out shopping garage sales one day. She is a great neighbor and we have discovered that we have SO much in common.
The theory is that your body creates oils on your scalp that are stripped away when you shampoo. Your body then has to create more oils to replace what was washed away. When you use baking soda on your scalp instead of shampoo, it is much gentler and doesn't strip away the natural oils. I have been warned that, at first, your hair may look terrible. Your body is still creating the oils that shampooing usually removes. Soon your head realizes that it doesn't need to produce all those oils everyday, any more.
This morning, I placed about a cup of baking soda inside a plastic bottle that I had sitting around. It holds 20 ounces of water. I then added water to fill it and shook it up. In the shower, I poured about a cup of it all around the area of my scalp. I rubbed my hair and scalp to make sure it was mixed in to my scalp. Then I let it sit while I showered. Lastly, I rinsed it out. I dried it with a blow dryer and curled it with electric rollers, as usual. It feels soft and silky. I have shoulder length, fine, dry hair.
I will keep you updated on my no-shampooing experiment. If you have any questions, please post them in the comment section.
I have read and heard about people that choose not to use shampoo on their hair. My neighbor and friend tried it recently and gave her good report to me while out shopping garage sales one day. She is a great neighbor and we have discovered that we have SO much in common.
The theory is that your body creates oils on your scalp that are stripped away when you shampoo. Your body then has to create more oils to replace what was washed away. When you use baking soda on your scalp instead of shampoo, it is much gentler and doesn't strip away the natural oils. I have been warned that, at first, your hair may look terrible. Your body is still creating the oils that shampooing usually removes. Soon your head realizes that it doesn't need to produce all those oils everyday, any more.
This morning, I placed about a cup of baking soda inside a plastic bottle that I had sitting around. It holds 20 ounces of water. I then added water to fill it and shook it up. In the shower, I poured about a cup of it all around the area of my scalp. I rubbed my hair and scalp to make sure it was mixed in to my scalp. Then I let it sit while I showered. Lastly, I rinsed it out. I dried it with a blow dryer and curled it with electric rollers, as usual. It feels soft and silky. I have shoulder length, fine, dry hair.
I will keep you updated on my no-shampooing experiment. If you have any questions, please post them in the comment section.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Today I attempted to make potato chips by baking them in the oven. I've seen chips that other friends have made, so I figured I'd give it a try. Fail. I couldn't get the centers to crisp without over-cooking the edges. I started at 425 degrees and ended up at 350, and maybe that was still too hot. I suppose I could search the internet for a recipe, but that would be too easy. They taste okay for me. Next time, I'll try frying them in my electric skillet.

Although I may fail, my God will not. He is everlasting for all generations. The author of Hebrews by quoting the Psalms said this, "They will perish, but You remain; and they will all grow old like a garment; like a cloak You will fold them up, and they will be changed. But You are the same, and Your years will not fail." I am thankful that I have a God Who will not fail.
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