Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feels like Spring

I was sitting outside the other day and enjoying the lovely weather.  The birds were singing, bees buzzing, planes streaking across the sky, and I could hear hammering in the distance.  Warm sun was shining and a cool breeze was blowing. It doesn't get any better than that for me.  Sitting outside, letting my mind wander is so enjoyable.  

While I was enjoying myself, I heard a loud buzz and looked around expecting to see a large horse fly.  Instead, I saw a hummingbird flitting around the blossoms on my nectarine tree.  They're back! 

I went inside and dug out the hummingbird feeder and hung it on the balcony.  It holds 3 1/2 cups of water.  I add about 1 cup of sugar and stir until it's dissolved.  You don't need to add any food coloring.  I have to lean out over the rail to hang it on the hook that my husband put into the eaves.  To make it easier to attach it to the hook, he put a wire with a loop at the end, on the top of the feeder.  Now, I can watch the hummingbirds from my office window. 

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