Thursday, August 23, 2012

Old Notes

I was recently reading through some of my old notes, and found a few that are interesting enough to post about.  People are always making jokes about chocolate and finding more ways of excuse for consumption.  Who needs excuses?  But here is an interesting one I found: Cocoa flavonoids, found in dark chocolate, have shown to give some resistance to sunburn in volunteers.

Which brings me to few more sun-related ideas:

A study at Newcastle University in England showed skin resistance to UV rays increased by 33% when volunteers consumed 1/4 cup tomato paste daily. 

Wearing UV blocker sunglasses, even on cloudy days, reduces risk of cataracts, melanoma and macular degeneration, says Dr. Paul T. Finger, eye cancer specialist in New York City.

A study at Yale found that wearing a damp swim suit can contribute to urinary or reproductive tract infections. They suggest changing into dry clothing after swimming.

When the weather reaches temps in excess of 105 degrees, remember to drink lots of water. Slow down and try not to over-exert.  It is best to remain indoors seeking air-conditioned buildings.  Perhaps you could go SHOPPING!  :)

And a few heart healthy tips:

If you sit a lot, as I tend to do, it is good to get up and walk around every hour.

Get 30 minutes aerobic exercise daily, such as using the elliptical.
Get 20 minutes strength training two times a week.

Keep your diet plant based and, for some, keep your sodium intake low.

Don't forget that lowering stress is also important and one way of doing that is to add 30 minutes of hobby time to your schedule daily.  Why do we not do that?  That's a fun thing to do!

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